Quality Manual Code of ETHICS
Terasoft will not recruit personnel from the current employees of other IT firms without obtaining the approval of the employer in advance.
Terasoft will not recruit personnel from the current employees of clients or client prospects under any circumstances.
Terasoft will not initiate contact with individuals who have not previously requested to be considered by Terasoft for direct hire placements if those individuals are employees of IT firms at the time of contact.
Terasoft will not deal in making another direct hire placement of an individual who is still employed with a client that made a direct hire placement of him/her from Terasoft within the previous two years, unless the client gives approval to do so or shuts down the office.
Terasoft will not deal in placing a temp on another assignment if that temp had been hired by a client, and the Liquidated Damages Fee was paid, within the preceding six months, unless the client gives us approval to do so or shuts down the office.
Terasoft will assist in protecting the confidentiality of clients business operations. All consultants will sign confidentiality agreements regarding clients business operations and customers.
Terasoft will always attempt to keep the same personnel on an assignment until the client concludes the job order. Terasoft will only remove consultants from a current assignment if:
-- the consultants fail to meet the standards required by the client or by
-- the consultants require a removal due to circumstances beyond the control of
-- the client is unable or unwilling to make timely payments of
Terasoft invoices; or
-- the current reported financial circumstances of the client are unfavorable for continued solvency.
Any attempt by a client to recruit Terasoft consultant without paying the appropriate fee, or to direct personnel to another employment agency, will void this code of ethics.

Copyrights © 2005
Terasoft International Inc.

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