Our Commitments
We will REDUCE the cost and effects of personnel turnover and backlog by providing qualified, professional men and women WHO GET THE WORK DONE WHILE AUDITIONING FOR REGULAR EMPLOYMENT.

We will EXHAUSTIVELY PRESCREEN and test personnel for knowledge, skill, integrity and reliability.

We will maintain full service OFFICES staffed by career COMPANY-TRAINED PERSONNEL with years of experience in the IT community.

We will price our temporary services BELOW the total costs of the equivalent staff positions and reduce hiring fees to a MERE FRACTION OF EMPLOYMENT AGENCY FEES.

We will provide our clients with FULL INSURANCE COVERAGE and protect them from temporary employers' TAX LIABILITIES OF GROSS PAYROLL.

We will spare no effort or cost to assure that every Practice has available THE AFFORDABLE SERVICES OF QUALIFIED PROFESSIONALS TO GET THE JOB DONE.

No service handling temporary IT personnel, goes as far, puts out more effort, has more dedicated people, and gets better results than us. None can match our quality control techniques, our ethical standards and our commitment.

Copyrights © 2005
Terasoft International Inc.

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